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Michigan Referee Program / Blog  / Get the angle

Get the angle

Have you ever caught yourself misreading the next play and ending up far from the next challenge? Think of a counterattack. You didn’t think there would be one but there ends up being one. Now you’re 50 yards away. What do you do?

Sprint as fast as you can? It is an option. But your first priority is to get the right angle. Imagine there is a wall in front of you. What’s behind the wall? You cannot see. You won’t be able to see any better even if you got closer to the wall. But what if you could see the wall from the side? Then you would be able to see behind the wall, even if you were far away from it.

Of course, we want to be close (proximity). But proximity does not necessarily mean we will see a challenge. It is better to see a challenge correctly and have players complain that you were far away than to miss a challenge completely and have players complain you missed a foul even though you were standing right next to it.

Watch the video below. The referee got caught. But he was quick to gain an optimal angle. Don’t just sprint. Get the right angle.

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