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Michigan Referee Program / Blog  / Don’t let your guard down

Don’t let your guard down

Sometimes we are so focused while the ball is in play. As soon as the ball is out of play, we let our guard down. But bad things can happen even when the ball is out of play.

Watch the clip below. The game is 0-2 with about 20 minutes left. The white team that is down by 2 goals will score. Now they are only a goal behind. What do you think will happen? An eager attacker will try to put the ball back in play quickly. He would go grab the ball out of the goal. We have all seen it. The eager attacker and a frustrated GK isn’t a good combination. Keep your eyes on this priority area.

To be fair, on this game, there was an injured player who was ready to come back to the game waiting by the AR2 touchline. But what do you think is the priority? The game was already stopped. 

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